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Data, models and simulations of single cell motility
Sprecher Prof. Leah Edelstein-KeshetZugehörigkeit Sprecher Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia Vancouver, CanadaZeit 11:00 - 12:30Serie TUD ZIH KolloquiumVeranstaltungsort APB-1096 / https://navigator.tu-dresden.de/etplan/apb/01 TUD Andreas-Pfitzmann-BauBeschreibungImmune cells such as neutrophils (white blood cells) can navigate to sites of infection. Their directed motility is regulated by patterns of activity of intracellular proteins…
Physics Colloquium / Dr. Nico Wunderling: Overshooting tipping points in the Earth system: How nonlinear physics can contribute to global sustainability science
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20Veranstaltungsort TUDBeschreibungEvent announcement as pdf-Download (https://tu-dresden.de/mn/physik/ressourcen/dateien/physikalisches-kolloquium/2025-01-28-Phys_Kolloq-Wunderling-WiSe2024.pdf).
Abstract: In…
Afterwork Talk: AI, Language Models, and Cancer Research: How do they interlink? (in englischer Sprache)
Sprecher Neringa Jurenaite, Research Associate and Doctoral CandidateZugehörigkeit Sprecher ScaDS.AI Dresden/LeipzigZeit 18:00 - 19:30Veranstaltungsort COSMOBeschreibung Recently, artificial intelligence and language models such as ChatGPT have been actively influencing various aspects of our lives, including medical and life science research.…
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