16th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC)
- Datum
- 17.03.2025 - 19.03.2025
- Zeit
- 09:46 - 09:46
- Sprecher
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Plettemeier et al.
- Sprache
- en
- Hauptthema
- Informatik
- Host
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Plettemeier
- Beschreibung
- <p>The GeMiC 2025 will take place at Hörsaalzentrum of TUD - Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. The GeMiC provides a unique platform of exchange with experts, and a great opportunity to meet with colleagues from industry, research institutes, and universities. The conference will be hosted by Dresden University of Technology in cooperation with IMA e.V. and VDE/ITG.</p> Important dates: <ul> <li>Submission Deadline EXTENDED: <strong>November 21, 2024</strong></li> <li>Notification of Acceptance: December 19, 2024</li> <li>Final Paper Submission: February 6, 2025</li> <li>Conference: March 17-19, 2025</li> </ul> <p>Download the call-for-papers here!</p> <p>For author guidelines and templates, please visit the Paper Submission page.</p> <p>--> Conference website</p>
Letztmalig verändert: 13.03.2025, 07:36:30
- Homepage
- https://navigator.tu-dresden.de/
cfaed - Center for Advancing Electronics DresdenBarkhausen Building II/7b, Georg-Schumann-Str.1101187Dresden
- Telefon
- +49 351 463-41000
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- +49 351 463-41099
- TUD cfaed
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- http://www.cfaed.de/
- Ausgründung/Transfer
- Bauing., Architektur
- Biologie
- Chemie
- Elektro- u. Informationstechnik
- für Schüler:innen
- Gesellschaft, Philos., Erzieh.
- Informatik
- Jura
- Maschinenwesen
- Materialien
- Mathematik
- Medizin
- Physik
- Psychologie
- Sprache, Literatur und Kultur
- Umwelt
- Verkehr
- Weiterbildung
- Willkommen
- Wirtschaft