Unraveling Epithelial - Immune Crosstalk in Murine Skin Development and Disease
- Datum
- 11.11.2024
- Zeit
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Sprecher
- Uttkarsh Ayyangar
- Zugehörigkeit
- Institute of Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine (InStem), Bengaluru, India
- Sprache
- en
- Hauptthema
- Biologie
- Host
- Meritxell Huch
- Beschreibung
- Macrophages are the earliest set of immune cells that populate the murine skin. However, much less is understood about their role in regula;ng developmental and inflammatory programs in the developing skin. Our study suggests that macrophages in the developing skin can respond to sterile inflammatory cues by augmen;ng the synthesis of ECM (extracellular matrix) remodeling enzymes called MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases). These MMPs exacerbate chronic inflamma;on by genera;ng DAMPs (damage-associated molecular paJerns). We further show that this func;onal state of the macrophages is partly directed by the metabolite lactate that is generated by the epithelial compartment of the skin in condi;ons of sterile inflamma;on. Remarkably, inhibi;on of the lactate-mediated metabolic crosstalk between the skin epithelia and macrophages leads to a substan;al reduc;on in the macrophage effector func;on and, in turn, inflamma;on. We further show that the principle of lactate metabolic crosstalk can be targeted to treat inflamma;on in the imiquimod-induced mice model of psoriasis. Finally, using a macrophage-depleted mouse model system we inves;gate the role of these cell types in regula;ng skin development. Our results suggest that macrophage-mediated remodeling of the skin ECM is essen;al for driving the development of skin appendages. These studies have elucidated the developmental and inflammatory roles of macrophages in the developing skin. Publica;ons and Patent: 1. Ayyangar U, Karkhanis A, Tay H, Afandi AFB, BhaJacharjee O, KS L, Lee SH, Chan J & Raghavan S (2024) Metabolic rewiring of macrophages by epidermal-derived lactate promotes sterile inflamma;on in the murine skin. EMBO J 2. BhaJacharjee O, Ayyangar U, Kurbet AS, Lakshmanan V, Palakode; D, Ginhoux F & Raghavan S (2021) Epithelial-Macrophage Crosstalk Ini;ates Sterile Inflamma;on in Embryonic Skin. Front Immunol 12. 3. BhaJacharjee O, Ayyangar U, Kurbet AS, Ashok D & Raghavan S (2019) Unraveling the ECM-immune cell crosstalk in skin diseases. Front Cell Dev Biol 7 doi:10.3389/fcell.2019.00068. 4. [Patent] Citric Acid Cycle and Lactate Transport Inhibitors for Preven;on and/or Treatment of Skin Disorders PCT Applica;on number: PCT/IB2022/061996 Date of Filing: 10.12.2022 Inventors: UJkarsh Ayyangar, Srikala Raghavan.
Letztmalig verändert: 10.11.2024, 07:48:34
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