FWO Colloquium - Dr. Maksym Buryi (FZU, Prague, CZ)
- Datum
- 07.02.2025
- Zeit
- 09:00 - 15:00
- Sprecher
- Maksym Buryi
- Sprache
- en
- Hauptthema
- Chemie
- Host
- N. Huittinen, P. Kaden, R.Gericke
- Beschreibung
- The lecture is primarily intended for students and scientist of various branches of physics, including medical physics and biophysics, chemistry, materials engineering, biology, dosimetry, dating etc. It offers a detailed overview of the physical principles that are essential for understanding the spin properties of electrons and nuclei. Both classical and quantum mechanical approaches are included. The fundamentals of sophisticated and extremely sensitive spin-based method that is used to investigate in situ any substance at the atomistic level, such as electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) will be covered. The correlation of EPR and other experimental and theoretical methods will be demonstrated. Applications of EPR in many branches of science and industry will be discussed. The role of spin in revealing the structure of matter in the processing of organic and inorganic materials by different treatments, including annealing in different atmospheres and exposure to thermal plasma, considering also nanoparticles production will be disclosed.
Letztmalig verändert: 07.02.2025, 07:37:54
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (801/P142 - Seminarraum FWO)Bautzner Landstraße40001328Dresden
- Homepage
- http://www.hzdr.de
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-RossendorfBautzner Landstraße40001328Dresden
- Homepage
- http://www.hzdr.de
- Ausgründung/Transfer
- Bauing., Architektur
- Biologie
- Chemie
- Elektro- u. Informationstechnik
- für Schüler:innen
- Gesellschaft, Philos., Erzieh.
- Informatik
- Jura
- Maschinenwesen
- Materialien
- Mathematik
- Medizin
- Physik
- Psychologie
- Sprache, Literatur und Kultur
- Umwelt
- Verkehr
- Weiterbildung
- Willkommen
- Wirtschaft