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CV-Check und Beratung zur Berufsorientierung (Dienstag)
Sprecher Birgit BrandZugehörigkeit Sprecher Dezernat 8 SG Career ServiceZeit 10:00 - 12:00Veranstaltungsort 621 AndereBeschreibungWichtige Information:
- Besuche uns vor Ort zur offenen Sprechzeit im Fritz-Foerster-Bau (FOE) auf der Mommsenstraße 6.
- Zusätzlich stehen wir während der offenen Sprechzeit…
The role of SWAP-70 in cancer metastasis and tumor immunity
Sprecher Frank Chao-Yuan ChangZeit 11:00 - 12:00Serie DIGS-ILS/IMPRS DoktorverteidigungenVeranstaltungsort MTZBeschreibungFrank Chao-Yuan Chang, Rolf Jessberger Group, will defend his PhD thesis
The role of SWAP-70 in cancer metastasis and tumor immunity
at the School of Medicine.Everybody is…
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Impact of atomic defects in the electronic states of FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_{x}$ superconducting crystals
Sprecher Prof. Dr. Yanina FasanoZugehörigkeit Sprecher Low Temperatures Lab & Instituto Balseiro, Centro Atómico Bariloche, ArgentinaZeit 14:00 - 15:00Veranstaltungsort B3E.26, IFW Dresden IFWBeschreibung The electronic properties of Fe-based superconductors are drastically affected by deformations on their crystal structure introduced by doping and pressure. Here we study single…Career Dinner Talk
Sprecher Katrin DunkerBabett GläserMartina ZimmermannYvonne KeilMaria PiechnickZeit 14:30 - 20:00Veranstaltungsort 114/114 - Speisesaal HZDRBeschreibung Frauenkarrieren und Role Models Career Dinner Talk
Sprecher - Dr. Babett Gläser, Abteilungsleiterin Forschung im SMWK und stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Kuratoriums des HZDR;- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Zimmermann, Inhaberin der Professur für Werkstoffmechanik an der TU Dresden sowie Leiterin des KompetenzfeldesZeit 16:00 - 19:00Veranstaltungsort 106/255 - Hörsaal HZDRBeschreibung Career Dinner Talk gives insights into personal career paths. We talk to four women about women\'s careers and role models.21st DDc Lunch Retreat: Magnetically-driven microrobots for biomedical applications
Sprecher Dr. Mariana Medina-SánchezZugehörigkeit Sprecher Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden [IFW] and B CUBE – Center for Molecular Bioengineering at TU DresdenZeit 12:00 - 13:00Veranstaltungsort The meeting will be held in English as a videoconference (Zoom). All DDc-scientists are cordially invited to join.
Please register by following the link below. You will receive the link to the videoconference with the registration. OnlineBeschreibung Our 21st DDc Lunch Retreat addresses the topic “Magnetically-driven microrobots for biomedical applications“. We are looking forward to an interesting retreat with DRESDEN-concept…Degenerated superconductivity and fluctuation induced phases in multiband systems: Sr2RuO4 and Ba1-xKxFe2As2
Sprecher Prof. Hans-Henning KlaussZugehörigkeit Sprecher TU DresdenZeit 13:00 - 14:00Veranstaltungsort D2E.27, IFW Dresden IFWBeschreibung From the very beginning of quantum mechanics the concept of degeneracy of states has been an important topic throughout the quantum world. For example, the Landau-Zener dynamics…CMCB Life Sciences Seminar: Prof. Sven Engesser, TU Dresden
Zeit 13:00 - 14:00Serie CMCB Life Sciences SeminarVeranstaltungsort TUD CRTDBeschreibungHost: Anke Fuchs (CRTD)
Title: "AI-Tools in Research and Science Communication"
Sven Engesser is a professor of communication science with a focus on science and…
Model-Based Design and Fabrication of an Implantable Thermoelectric Generator
Sprecher Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara BechtoldZugehörigkeit Sprecher Jade HochschuleZeit 10:00 - 11:00Veranstaltungsort A1E.10, Hörsaal, IFW Dresden IFWBeschreibung The objective of this presentation is to introduce implantable thermoelectric generators (ITEGs) for use in electrically active implants. The optimization of the ITEG is achieved…
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