Available experimental methods at the FEG-SEM Ultra55 and application examples
- Date
- May 10, 2022
- Time
- 2:50 PM - 4:20 PM
- Speaker
- Ellen Hieckmann
- Affiliation
- IAP/IFMP, TU Dresden
- Language
- en
- Main Topic
- Physik
- Other Topics
- Physik
- Host
- D. Peets
- Description
This talk is directed to demonstrate the experimental possibilities on the Zeiss Ultra55 scanning electron microscope with field emission gun and to illustrate the capability of the SEM with exemplary investigations. This SEM will be transferred into the responsibility of the IFMP in summer 2022.
The lecture will explain the basic set up of the microscope and the following applications:
Imaging of structures, determination of crystal orientation, phases, textures and internal mechanical stresses, analysis of chemical composition and of element distribution, implementation of experiments at low temperatures, investigation of the luminescence behaviour of solids, examination of electrical properties and elastic-plastic deformation of materials with in-situ observation.
This part of the lecture will be recorded in a video so that the information can also be referred to later.
At the end of the talk, there will be enough time for questions on how to carry out the experiments in detail and how to access to the lab or obtain instruction in autonomous measurements with the SEM. New users who want to profit from the SEM in current and future research projects are invited to join!
Room: REC/C213
Online: Zoom: https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/82056888458?pwd=ZHE0Q3M0c1RmeG5sbnRvbzRrWjlGUT09 (https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/82056888458?pwd=ZHE0Q3M0c1RmeG5sbnRvbzRrWjlGUT09)- Links
Last modified: May 10, 2022, 12:06:10 AM
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