Hunt for Easter Eggs and Aliens - Explore UFOs by HPC and AI (2-day-Hackathon)
- Date
- Apr 3, 2023 - Apr 4, 2023
- Time
- 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
- Speaker
- Elias Werner, Norman Koch, Dr. Peter Winkler
- Affiliation
- ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig
- Language
- en
- Main Topic
- Informatik
- Description
- Topic: Hunt for Easter Eggs and Aliens - Explore UFOs by HPC and AI (2-day-event) Date: 03. - 04. April 2023, each day from 4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: Living Lab at TU Dresden, Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau (Room: 1020), Nöthnitzer Str. 46, 01187 Dresden Language: English Equipment: Please, bring your own Laptop. Format: Hackathon in presence Add this event to your calendar (iCal). The hunt begins! This easter, we invite you to not only hunt for easter eggs, but also Aliens together with the researchers of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. In this special easter hackathon, you will get in touch with the HPC machine Taurus with NVIDIA A100 GPUs and learn how to work with it. Once you have become familiar with the fundamentals of Taurus, you can begin to develop your own AI pipeline for UFO identification. The data set is composed of approximately 30,000 labelled images of objects in the sky commonly mistaken for unidentified flying objects. For the pipeline, you need to contemplate data loading, pre-processing, model training, inference and post-processing. With the aid of OmniOpt, a HPC tool, you can refine the present pipeline and tune the hyperparameters of the neural networks. These hyperparameters, such as learning rate, batch size and number of layers, can be changed to accelerate the training and boost accuracy. Besides, you get the opportunity to take a look at our Living Lab in Dresden. Here, you can investigate the potential of HPC and AI. The Living Lab gives a range of tutorials and workshops, where you can learn about AI, as well as the hardware and software used in this hackathon. Additionally, you can discuss your project with other participants and exchange your ideas and knowledge. Rules This hackathon is not only about competition, but also about cooperation. You can either bring your friends along or work with the other participants instead. That's why you will be working in teams. Everyone is welcome at the hackathon and no pre-knowledge is required. Registration is mandatory.
- Links
Last modified: Jan 23, 2023, 4:22:42 PM
TUD Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau (Computer Science) (APB-1020)Nöthnitzer Straße4601069Dresden
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