Exploring the Intersection of AI, Science and Industry with Richard Socher and Dresden AI experts

May 11, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Dr. Richard Socher
Main Topic
Other Topics
Elektro- u. Informationstechnik, für Schüler:innen, Gesellschaft, Philos., Erzieh., Informatik, Sprache, Literatur und Kultur
Christian Bruchatz

We are super honored and delighted to have Richard Socher ( with us on May 11, 2023. Richard will share his view on state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) research in the field of Machine Learning with us. After his talk, we will have Richard for a panel discussion with local experts. Note, this venue is meant for a scientific or technically interested audience.

How to participate?

Important: This is event has only limited seating capacity, so please register  here ( or use the button below. We assign seating on a first-come-first-serve basis. (

We are trying hard to acquire the technology and support to live stream the event for registered participants. At this point, we cannot make any promises. In any case, if you are interested to in the live stream, please register as well.

What to expect?

This event will consist of two parts: first, Richard will kindly present his insights and experiences related to natural language processing and machine learning. Then, there will be the chance to ask questions shortly. After the presentation part, there will be a panel discussion by the following individuals:

  • Sunna Torge (panelist, TU Dresden, SCADS.AI, OpenGPT-X)
  • Anna Pötsch (panelist, TU Dresden, CMCB/MSNZ)
  • Richard Socher (panelist,
  • Oliver Guhr (moderator, HTW Dresden)
  • Peter Steinbach (moderator, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz.AI)

Organizing Team

  • Richard Schroedter (TU Dresden)
  • Christian Bruchatz (TU Dresden)
  • Steffen Seitz (TU Dresden)
  • Peter Steinbach (HZDR, Helmholtz.AI (http://Helmholtz.AI))

Join us for an inspiring lecture on natural language processing followed by an engaging podium discussion, featuring Richard Socher, CEO of, and other leading science experts on May 11, 2023, at TU Dresden. The event will explore the intersection of AI, science, and industry, with a focus on the latest developments in natural language processing and their impact on different sectors. Socher and the panelists will discuss the use of AI in industries such as healthcare, finance, and education, and delve into the ethical concerns surrounding its application. The conversation will provide valuable insight into the future of AI and its potential to revolutionize various industries. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn from one of the leaders in AI and engage in a thought-provoking discussion with other experts. Register now to explore the latest developments in natural language processing and how AI is shaping the intersection of science and industry.


Last modified: May 11, 2023, 7:37:35 AM


TUD Hörsaalzentrum (HSZ/0003)Bergstraße6401069Dresden
+49 351 463-34457
+49 351 463-32883
TUD Hörsaalzentrum


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