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Mein Job, deine Fragen – Medizintechnik Speeddating zur Berufsorientierung – Zwischen MINT und Medizin
Time 9:00 AM - 11:00 AMLocation COSMODescription Die Naturwissenschaften sind faszinierend, dennoch ist die Wahl eines Studienfachs gar nicht so leicht: Was studiert man am besten, wenn so vieles interessant ist?
Bei unserem…Guided and self-organized morphogenesis of the vertebrate anteroposterior axis
Speaker Michel BagnatAffiliation Speaker Duke University, Durham, North CarolinaTime 11:00 AM - 12:00 PMSeries MPI-CBG Thursday SeminarLocation MPI-CBG: Auditorium Large MPI-CBGDescription We are interested in the reciprocal interactions between form and function. To explore how physiology interacts with cell and tissue-wide processes, we follow a wide range of…The history of searching for a theory of everything
Speaker Dr. Alexander BlumAffiliation Speaker Max Plank Institute for History of Science (MPI-WG), BerlinTime 1:00 PM - 2:30 PMLocation Hybrid:
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Fetscherstraße 105, 01307 Dresden, seminar rooms 1,2 (live streaming)
& Zoom:
TUD CRTDDescription What if the universe’s laws aren’t eternal truths but cyclic emergent patterns shaped by cosmic evolution?
During our next event, Dr. Alexander Blum (MPI, Berlin), will briefly…Recent progress at the slow positron and neutron beam facilities at AIST
Speaker Dr. Brian E. O‘Rourke(NMIJ, AIST), Tsukuba, JapanTime 3:00 PM - 4:00 PMLocation 620/018 - Kleiner Hörsaal Kernphysik HZDRDescription The slow positron facility at AIST has been developing positron lifetime measurement systems using a slow positron beam and conducting materials characterization using these…Musik und Literatur: Windheim. Neue Klaviermusik von Thuon Burtevitz und Texte von Patrick Beck
Time 7:00 PM - 8:00 PMLocation Klemperer-Saal SLUBDescription Der Roman „Windheim“ von Patrick Beck und Klaviermusik der Komponistin Thuon Burtevitz vereint zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk.
„Und da ist uns klar geworden, dass wir mitten auf…Generation and Characterization of Porcine Derived Pancreatic Pseudoislets for Islet Cells Replacement
Speaker Hany AbdelgawadTime 2:15 PM - 3:15 PMSeries DIGS-ILS/IMPRS doctoral defensesLocation B CUBEDescriptionWe are excited to announce that Hany Abdelgawad Abdelsalam Abdelgawad, Barbara Ludwig Group, will defend his PhD thesis
Generation and Characterization of Porcine Derived…„Circuits and Graphics“ – Synthesizer löten und Platinen gestalten
Time 3:30 PM - 8:00 PMLocation Makerspace M2 SLUBDescription Wem steht der Zinn nach Löten, wem der Sinn nach Musik? - Dieser Nachmittag bietet etwas für Kreative und Technik-Affine! Wie man Schaltkreise zu originellen Designs verbindet und…Seminar: Dark matter searches with dual-phase LXe TPCs (Chiara Capelli)
Time 3:00 PM - 4:00 PMLocation E19 TUD Andreas-Schubert-BauDescriptionExperiments using dual-phase liquid xenon time projection chambers (TPCs) are among the most sensitive in looking for weak interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter in the…
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