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Reconstitution of mammalian life cycle in vitro
Speaker Nobuhiko HamazakiAffiliation Speaker University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USADepartments of Obstetrics & GynecologyDepartments of Genome SciencesInstitute for Stem Cell & Regenerative MedicineBrotman Baty InstituteTime 11:00 AM - 12:00 PMLocation MPI-CBG Galleria MPI-CBGDescription Mammalian development is still enigmatic processes as it undergoes all the process in mother\'s uterus. Historically, simply taking any part of the processes out from the uterus to…Zugumstellung für Metrolinien
Speaker Dr. Yihui WangAffiliation Speaker Professur für den Betrieb von BahnsystemenTime 1:00 PM - 2:00 PMLocation POT-161 TUD Potthoff-BauDescriptionIn U-Bahn-Systemen treten immer mehr unerwartete Ereignisse auf, die zu ernsthaften Störungen und sogar Unterbrechungen des Zugbetriebs führen können. In diesem Vortrag wird das…
Physics Colloquium / Prof. Anna Köhler: Organic semiconductors for today and tomorrow
Time 2:50 PM - 4:20 PMLocation TUDDescriptionEvent announcement as pdf-Download (https://tu-dresden.de/mn/physik/ressourcen/dateien/physikalisches-kolloquium/2024-07-09-Phys_Kolloq-Koehler-SoSe2024.pdf).
Abstract: In this…
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